Elaine Beverly Doan February 9, 1948 - December 15, 2008 Born in Nogales, AZ, to Arthur and Olga Doan. Graduated Nogales High School '66. She started with Mountain Bell in '72 as an operator, but had greatest business success in sales with AT&T--Millionaire's Club for sales '92 to'95 and in '94 & '95 went to AT&T Leaders' Council for the top 2% of key performers worldwide. But while Elaine's capacity for professional achievement seemed boundless, her colleagues, customers and friends site her integrity, warmth, humor, and capacity for fun as what they will remember most. She loved bringing strangers together, transforming them into friends and was instilled by her father with a love of travel at an early age in Mexico City. As an adult, Elaine's love of adventure found her scuba diving, sky diving and exploring Italy, France, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Hong Kong and South Africa where she was dubbed 'eagle-eyes-Doan' for her ability to spot wild game. Elaine is survived by her daughter, Lisa who cherishes every moment they had and grand-dog, Isaac, the latest in the line of large but friendly dogs that were always a part of Elaine's life. Other survivors include her siblings, John, Anna, Arthur Jr., and Mary Kay, numerous nieces and nephews, and countless friends–all of whom she loved deeply and appreciated so much. Services will be held at Sacred Heart Church in Nogales, AZ, Saturday January 17, 2009 at 11:30 a.m. In lieu of flowers please consider donations to the
Published in the Arizona Daily Star on Jan. 11, 2009
Mima Pina (Elias)
Ricardo Aranda (Reunion Music Coord) (Aranda)
I was so touched to be invited to Elaine's 10th anniversary memorial service. I missed the one 10 years ago.
It started with a Mass at Sacred Sacred Heart Church with a touching homily. Then we drove to Marta Hannesian's home for a fun reception.
I have known Lisa since she was a toddler and it's always so nice to see her. I told her that her mom was my first date in High School February 15, 1964. She got a kick out of that comment. I got to meet Elaine's younger sister and some of her family. It brought back many pleasant memories.It was a warm, lovely gathering. Several classmates shred fun stories about Elaine.
Bill and I volunteered to play Music, It was fun eventhough I couldn't put on enough clothes or drink enough tequila to keep warm since we set up outside. Besides the live music we played the playlist from the Class 50th reunion.